lame agaknye blog ini tidak diupdate.. hari ini terasa ade sdikit ruangan utk diriku mencoret2 sedikit sbanyak peristiwa yang berlaku semenjak kebelakangan ini..
Dunia Oh Dunia..
.. itulah yg hadir dalam fikiranku ketika ini,, Pg td masuk ke klas ITPM.. Chapter hari ini, mngenai "motivation & conflict management".. dlm chapter ini, Dr. sedikit sbanyak menceritakan bagaimana utk kita mngenal diri kita, siapakah kita bila berdepan dgn conflict.. utk menjadi seorg project manager..
Setiap baris2 ayat yg Dr. utarakan amat menarik minatku,, but one of the words that make me remember until now is "Bird View".. hmm.. it sounds is meaningful.. yeah, we must view every part as a whole!!..
As an example.. Dunia Oh Dunia.. let us view our world today,, a lot of nature disaster happen.. where it come from?? Is it because our world have being older..? time to time.. where is our responsibility..??
If we view it like a bird view.. we know how it was happen.. hmm.. its all come from human.. which is our own self.. our invention, our creation.. making our world time to time having disaster,, which we will not conscious.. this world has already sick.. sickness from the development of sophisticated technology without care from many side.. yeah it can't be denied, disaster was happen can't be estimate or expected if it want to be, it will happen, we can't blame human in this issues.. but without our realize the technology has contribute to the disaster in this world for the long-term effect.. we can't see it happen now, today or tomorrow.. but our future generations will feel the effects of man's greed in implement, create and develop new technology..
The latest news about natural disaster in Japan which has been hit by Tsunami that was happen last week..There is very biggest Accident is facing by Japanese. There is nothing safe and Japanese have left their homes they have lack of food but lake of water and has seen water everywhere.
Japanese have lost their children’s. From a report there is over then 13,000 people are died with this tragedy And also thousands are injured with this tragedy..
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Tsunami... |
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Allah itu Maha Besar.. |
Look forward what will happen to our world when its already hundred years ago.. after this situation.. where is the people??
They was lost.. lost from this world..
children lose their parents..
Parents lose their family.. mother lose their son..
where is their empathy? feeling others situation.. facing conflict in their own self.. where is the safety place for them?
Tidak dinafikan juga.. kita sebagai umat islam.. bencana alam yang berlaku ini sebagai iktibar bagi kita..
supaya sentiasa beringat dan bersedia.. adakah bumi sudah tua? sudah sampaikah masanya untuk menilai amalan kita? cukupkah ibadat kita?? cukupkah amalan kita? banyak tanda2 kecil hari kiamat sudah terbentang di mata kita.. walhal tanda besar juga sedikit sebanyak sudah menampakkan bayang2annya..
Masih terbuka pintu taubat utk kita.. Allah swt itu maha Pengampun lg maha Penyayang..
Hidup di dunia ini adalah smntara.. kehidupan di dunia sbagai ujian buat semua manusia.. But yg kekal adalah alam akhirat~ Igtlah wahai kalian semua.. berbuat baiklah pd semua makhluk Tuhan..
together we pray for Allah swt..
Disamping mencari keredhaan Allah swt.. =)
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